Sunday, November 28, 2010

Response to Griet

The Slap in the Face

First love is always confusing because we are not really sure what to do. We think it is love, but when we grow up and look to the past we see it was just a little crush. However, we will always remember as our first love, even if we never had a chance to tell the other person what we were feeling. I wouldn’t say Griet is in love, but she has a deep crush on Vermeer. Very deep inside she knows there is a small chance for her to be with him, but Griet has hope so I think that’s why she tells Pieter she is too young to get married. Being her friend and an outsider, I can see better what is happening and give her a clear advice; which I think Pieter would be the best choice for her.

I think if Griet had stayed with her family, she wouldn’t have the hesitation of getting married to Pieter. Once Griet had the opportunity to see how interesting it is being with an artist and how life can be easier when we have money, she got attracted to this new and amusing life. My friend, Griet, is a dreamer. So Pieter would be perfect match because he is the anchor that brings her back to reality. Her family is not wealthy, but Pieter has a stall at the Meat Hall, so he can provide a better life for her and also her family; not as the fancy life Vermeer has, but a descent and honest life. So when he told her that her family needs him, she got offended with his comment, but she knows with Pieter she has a better chance to be happy.

I tried so many times to convince Griet that she is just another beautiful young girl for Vermeer and he would never leave his family to be with her. She keeps telling me that she is not interested on him, but I can tell by the way she talks about him that it is not true. It is hard for me to see my friend in this situation because Pieter will not wait for her forever. He is a nice man and seems to be honest, so I hope Griet can see him as her prince charming.

Even thought, it was a terrible situation I was really glad to know that Catharina figured out about Griet’s painting. My friend needed a slap in the face to wake her up from this dream, but it had to come from Vermeer. After seeing in Vermeer’s eyes regret, when Catharina tried to destroy the painting, she knew that life wasn’t for her; it was the slap in the face that made her wake up. When she told me what had happened I just gave her a big hug and told her to look for Pieter.

Probably, I wasn’t the best friend because I should have been stronger in my approach convincing Griet she was making a big mistake in having expectations about Vermeer. However, sometimes what we need it is just a support from a friend, even though if we don’t agree with our friend’s choices. Love is always a complicated subject and there is not a single and right answer. Sometimes we know our feelings take over of our thinking, but everything including mistakes is valid as a life experience.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Reader's response - "Girl with a Pearl Earring" final


One Sunday, when Griet went home her parents tell her that she smells like linseed oil, she doesn’t tell them it is because she has spent a lot of her time at the attic helping Vermeer. Instead she tells about the new painting, van Ruijven with a flute. Vermeer is not happy with van Ruijven’s request of having a painting with Griet, but he agrees to paint her alone. When Griet comes to the studio Vermeer has problems in finding the right pose for Griet because he doesn’t want to paint her as a maid, but just like the Griet he had meet at her house. Vermeer also thinks Griet should take off her cap, but she refuses the request. Instead, she finds a cloth that she uses to wrap her head and hide all her hair. It is a secret painting, only Maria Thins, van Ruijven and van Leeuwenhoek, but Griet suspects that Cornelia might know too. One day, while Vermeer was painting Griet he notices that something is missing, but he cannot really figure out what it is. However, Griet knows right away what Vermeer will ask her when he sees Catharina’s pearl earring. Griet doesn’t want to wear the earring, but Vermeer convinces her saying the earring will bring the light and complete the painting. Cornelia sees when her father finishes Griet’s painting, so when her mother comes to back home she takes her to the studio and shows her the painting. Catharina is very upset and asks Cornelia to call Vermeer at Guild. Maria Thins, Catharina and Vermeer are at the studio discussing the situation, until Griet is called to joy them. At first, Catharina accuses Griet for stilling her pearl earring, but Catharina knows what really upsets her is not the earrings. So she tries to destroy the painting, but Vermeer is faster and holds Catharina’s hand. Griet just leaves the house and run as fast as she can without looking back. A few years later, Tanneke comes to Meat Hall where Griet now married to Pieter works with his stall, to ask her to come to her mistress house. Griet is not really sure if she should go, but she decides to accept Catharina’s request. When she gets to the house Catharina and van Leeuwenhoek are waiting for her, and for her surprise Vermeer in his will request that the pearl earrings go to Griet. At first, she doesn’t want to take them, but Catharina insists and Griet accepts. She doesn’t know how to explain to Pieter about the earring so she sells them and she will tell him that the money is from Vermeer’s to set the debt they had with Pieter, the father. Although, the extra coins she will keep in a secret place and never spend it.


When Catharina figures out Vermeer painted Griet, she gets very upset and asks Cornelia to call Vermeer home. The whole situation is very dramatic, but Griet seems calm and keeps doing her house chorus. Catharina tries to destroy the painting, but Vermeer stops her before she causes any damage or even hurt herself (page 215). I like this moment because as a reader I am on Griet’s side and I want to see her having a happy ending. So when she walks away from the house without looking back, it gave me hope that she will be happy with Pieter.


On page 214, Catharina asks Vermeer why he never painted her or any of the children, and he answers that they are not part of this world. Why does he mean with this answer?


Why is so important for Griet to hide her hair?

On page 186, van Leeuwenhoek says Griet to be careful and remain herself, but she doesn’t understand what he means with this. So he says to Griet that the women in Vermeer’s paintings get trapped in his world and they can get lost there. What does he mean with women getting trapped in Vermeer’s world?


I think Griet had to go through all the drama at Vermeer’s house to see that Pieter was the right choice for her. It is true that we cannot really choose who our hurt will beat faster for, so I can imagine how hard this situation for Griet was. Probably, she was right in saying to Pieter she was too young to think in marriage, but when Vermeer sees her hair she thinks there is nothing precious to hide anymore. So it was the moment that she realized she was becoming a woman.

Even though, I know this book is a fiction, after reading it I could imagine Vermeer having a real muse posing for one of his most famous paintings. Griet is a great character, full of interesting thoughts that were not always welcome when she shared with her parents or Maria Thins. However, Vermeer seems to be the only one who appreciated Griet’s observations about his paintings or general things that were happing in their lives.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Reader's response - "Girl with a Pearl Earring" (p.110-169)


Griet is really happy for sleeping in the attic because during the night she can go downstairs to the studio and admiring Vermeer’s painting while everybody is asleep. Tanneke and Cornelia still don’t like Griet, so her life in the house is not getting any easier. Pieter, the son, starts going to Griet family’s church almost every Sunday, so her parents see that Pieter is a good man for Griet; even though, she thinks she is too young to think in marriage. One day, Griet’s parents invite Pieter for dinner and he accepts the invitation. After dinner Griet walks with him until the end of the street, and in an alley she lets Pieter kisses her. Vermeer finishes the bakery’s daughter painting and starts a new one, van Ruijven’s wife. Lately, Griet has spent more time in the attic and studio, even when van Ruijven’s wife comes for her painting. When van Ruijven’s wife cannot make it, Griet poses for Vermeer where she is supposed to be sitting. Everything seems to be fine at Papists’, until Cornelia switches her mother’s tortoiseshell combs for Griet grandmother’s combs; which are very similar to each other and, makes Catharina sees that the combs is missing. Griet asks for help to Vermeer, who somehow shows that Cornelia was the one who switched the combs. Now, it is clear that Griet has Vermeer’s support in the house what impresses Maria Thins, who says that a maid never had caused so much trouble before. There is a gossip at the market hall that Vermeer will paint Griet with van Ruijven, what worries Griet because her mother and Pieter hear about it, too. So Griet talks to Maria Thins about the gossip and she says to Griet do not worry about it because she will take care of it. Until, one morning Vermeer calls Griet to the studio and asks her to sit down on a chair already positioned by him. At first, she doesn’t know what Vermeer wants, but when he asks her to look at him she realizes what is happening; Vermeer is going to paint Griet.


When Griet lets Pieter, the son, kiss her for the first time at the alley (p.121). Even though, it doesn’t sound romantic because Griet is more interested in Vermeer, I still believe she will end up with Pieter.


After the kiss Pieter tries to take off Griet’s cap to see her hair, but Griet moves away from Pieter. According to Griet the reason she keeps her hair inside the cap it is because she doesn’t have enough money to dress her hair. However, I believe there is another reason why she keeps her hair completely hidden. On page 122 the last sentence, Griet says “so that there would be no trace of that Griet.” Who is this other Griet that she is referring to?


On page 152-153, van Ruijven and his wife are invited to have dinner at Vermeer’s, in order to celebrate the finishing of the painting. Maria Thins knows that van Ruijven is interested in Griet, yet she says to Tanneke that Griet will help her to serve the dinner. It looks like a recipe for disaster, so why Maria Thins decides to put Griet to serve the dinner with van Ruijven being one of the guests?

Vermeer reveals to Griet that he used to be Protestant before getting married (p.140). Why does he do this confession to Griet? Is he trying to show some kind of affection towards Griet?


Now, Griet is feeling the pressure of her family in getting marry to the “right” man because she is about to turn seventeen. Even though, she knows Pieter would be a better choice she is still debating her feelings towards Vermeer. Plus, if it wasn’t enough being in this situation, Griet caught also van Ruijven’s attention. I have to agree with Maria Thins, how come a simple maid can cause so much trouble? Griet is not only popular with the male party, but some of the women from Vermeer’s house do not like Griet; Catharina, Cornelia and Tanneke seem to be jealous of her, so they try to make Griet’s life very difficult at the house. However, if Griet chooses Pieter, she might have a better life without being underestimated because she is just a maid; she would be only Griet, maybe Griet – the butcher’s wife.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quote from "Girl with a Pearl Earring"

“The only color he did not allow me to handle was ultramarine. Lapis lazuli was so expensive, and the process of extracting a pure blue from the stone so difficult, that he worked with it himself” (p.108).

This quote refers to the moment Griet becomes Vermeer’s assistant. He teaches her to grid colors from bones, white lead, madder and massicot. However, the color ultramarine is the only one Vermeer doesn’t let Griet do it. The stone that the blue color is extracted from it is very expensive and the process of extracting a pure blue it is also difficult. While Griet is helping Vermeer, she feels very happy because it is the moment she can spend with him side by side in the attic.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Composition #6

Power Blind People

It is part of our history to fight for power, and wars are the perfect example of how men have done it for centuries. In the past we didn’t have the money that we use it today, so the commercial transactions were made through exchanges of different goods and even lands. A man to be considered powerful had to have properties, such as, land or animals. However, physical strength could also bring power because it was used as a threat when people refused to do was demanded of them. So kings, in order to keep their power, went to war; besides it was another way to expand their kingdom. During our history it is not surprising when we hear that some kings abused their power, torturing or killing anyone who was against them. Kings were like Gods because they were the highest representation of authority. Nowadays, it has not changed much. Politicians and police officers have used their authority for their own benefit, and the poor citizens are the ones who have suffered the most.

I have seen many injustices in my country, Brazil. I think because we are a third-world country, justice often doesn’t happen for the poor ones. So that’s why police officers have used their authority to humiliate people, get money or even sexually abuse women. The Brazilian government is always trying to create new transit laws, in order to collect more money from the citizens through tickets.

Once we had to have in the car a first aid kit with very specific items. One day, my father got stopped by a police officer who asked for the first aid kit, so my father showed the one he just had gotten a few days before. However, the police officer said that one item was missing, but my father didn’t know which one because he thought the kit was complete. So instead of giving a ticket to my father the police officer asked for some money. My father is an honest man, so he said the ticket would be better. Of course, the police officer wasn’t happy because he was expecting to get some money for his own pocket. I guess he wanted to show my father that next time it would be better for him just to give the money because the police officer gave two tickets to my father; the second one for no reason at all.

Power sometimes can blind people, making them selfish because they are focusing only on how to increase their power. They don’t see what is happening around them and abusing their authority becomes part of what they are. We cannot deny having power and seeing that people respect us for it brings a good feeling. However, the moment that people don’t want to be around us or fear us, I believe it is the moment the power we have is too much. We have seen in our past how bad it can get when people abuse their power; wars where many people died for one person’s ambition. I know it is hard not to get blind with power, but maybe it is part of our nature always looking for more. Although, I rather believe people can learn from their mistakes and, hopefully in the future we will be living in a better world.

Composition #5 revision 2

Should I Stay or Should I Go

The US is a new country compared to some nations from Asia or the Mideast, which are rich in old customs and beliefs. For this reason, many immigrants have had difficulty balancing their ancestors’ traditions with the new American customs when they decide to live in the US. As we know we cannot choose the family we are born in. Consequently, sometimes it is very hard to accept their old traditions that they have been following for generations. Personally, I haven’t had problems in adapting to American customs, but I have met people who have struggled to keep some of their family traditions.

First, I know it is not easy to leave our mother country and start a new life in a country with a different language and customs. However, sometimes it is not a choice that we make out of our for free will, rather it is a chance to escape from an authoritative government or a family that deprives us from free speech. This was one of the reasons my friend left her country, India. Her family was suffocating her with all the family and Indian traditions.

She used to live in India with her parents and two older siblings, a brother and sister. She knew since she was very young that her family and parents would decide her future for her by choosing her husband. It might sound-out dated talking about arranged marriage today, but my friend said it still happens in some families; unfortunately her family was one of them. This happened to her older sister and brother; both of them had no choice of who they would spend the rest of their lives with. I think because they were a wealthy family, they didn’t want to see their children falling in love with a lower social class person. They thought keeping this old custom of arranging marriage would be the best way to avoid mixed social classes.

When my friend finished high-school her parents were looking for a husband, but she asked them if she could go to college; it was her excuse to her parents that with a college degree she would get a better husband. She didn’t want to be like her sister, married to a man who wasn’t making her happy, so she had to try to extend as much as she could the time before her arranged marriage. My friend managed to finish college without being bothered by her parents, but now with no more college excuse she would have to accept her parent’s plan. Then she got a job offer in the US because she had the highest grades during college. Of course, my friend’s parents were not happy and they tried to rush a wedding without her knowledge. My friend figured out their plan and she was disappointed in them because they didn’t consider their daughter’s feelings. So she took the job. When she told her parents she was moving to the US, they didn’t say anything. They just left the room saying a few minutes later that they had only two children now.

Since that day, she has only spoken to her sister, but not her parents or the rest of the family. I think my friend’s sister is proud of her for having the strength to fight against a very traditional custom; something my friend’s sister didn’t’ have.

When my friend told me her story I couldn’t believe it. At first, I thought she was joking because it just sounded like a movie, but she said it has happened to some of her friends too. She said there are a few women who have the strength to leave their family and live with a person they choose, or the strength to just move to another country and start a new life. She misses her family, but the idea of having a child growing up without a choice, just like her sister, gave her the strength to break free from this old tradition. My friend doesn’t regret having walked away from her out-dated family. Plus, she hopes her children can understand and appreciate the freedom they have living in the US; something she didn’t have with her parents.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Reader's response - "Girl with a Pearl Earring" (p.67-110)

Griet goes to the tile factory to tell her brother, Fran, about Agnes’s sickness, and he is surprised that nobody has told him before. Finally, the quarantine leaves and Griet can go home and see her family; unfortunately, Agnes dies. Maria Thins and Tanneke knowing about Agnes act kindly towards her for few days, but Catharina is still the same about Griet. After the sixth child of Catharina and Vermeer was born, Franciscus, Griet and Tanneke start preparing the house for the birth feast. During the party van Ruijven suggests to Vermeer to paint Griet, but nothing is decided. One day, while Griet is cleaning the windows of the studio, Vermeer sees how the light comes through the cleaned windows; on the next morning he starts a new painting, the baker’s daughter. Vermeer decides to teach Griet how to make the colors and about the process of painting. Plus, Griet starts running errands for Vermeer, but everything is a secret from the others. So because of these extra tasks, Griet gives excuses that she is sick or need to sew at her bedroom because of the better light. Tanneke complains she cannot sleep because of the baby, so Vermeer suggests moving Griet to the attic and Tanneke to Griet’s bedroom. Even though, the idea might sound strange Catharina and Maria Thins accept the suggestion. One day Maria Thins looking for Griet goes to the attic, and she finds out Griet is assisting Vermeer with his painting. At first, she seems upset, but she realizes with Griet’s help Vermeer can paint faster. She doesn’t anything, but she seems to agree in keeping the secret from Catharina.

Part I Liked:
After giving birth to Franciscus, Catharina remained in her bedroom while the maids are preparing the house, cleaning and cooking for the birth feast. On page 80, Tanneke makes a funny comment about her mistress. Catharina would like to have the house spotless every day, so Tanneke calls her “queen of the bedcovers;” she behaves like a queen but spend most of the time in her bed.

Confusing Part:
On page 77, when Franciscus was born Griet makes an observation about Vermeer, “He looked proud and embarrassed.” Vermeer has already five children, so why Griet thinks he looks embarrassed?

Cornelia seems to be nice to Griet when they are in front of people, but if she sees a chance to be mean to Griet she doesn’t waste it. Why is Cornelia so mean to Griet? Is she still upset to Griet abput the slap in the face she got from Griet? (p.22)

During the birth feast van Ruijven sort of harasses Griet, and Vermeer doesn’t do anything to help her. However, Pieter the butcher sees what it is happening and asks her another glass of wine, making her to move way from van Ruijven (p.83). Why does Pieter do that? Maybe he knows his son is interested in Griet. So is he watching her for his son?

I think it is very interesting to see how Griet is growing as a woman. Now she sees Vermeer with different eyes. He is not just any painter that hired her to be a maid of his house and clean his studio. Griet sees Vermeer as a talent painter, who has seen something more on her than just another maid. Pieter, the butcher’s son, is also interested in Griet. Even though, she is aware that Pieter has expectation in his eyes, Griet still pretend not to know his intentions.